Our mission
Foreground projections.
-> Our biggest mission is to bring quality of life to our investors, to bring profitability to their financial conditions, and above all to condition great talents to the possibility of succeeding and appearing to the world! Totally decentralized in all aspects... Not only will we be a reference in the music market, but also in innovation, adopting what is most technological in one single purpose!
-> We are Music AI, where we have a Staking platform to our investors, who will earn money listening to what they like most, and at the right time, but not only the investors will earn, but also young promises of the music market ! Because we will have a platform that will allow singers from all corners of the world, and all genres, to place their songs, and with this will be available to millions of listeners, which will condition the fame, so longed for ... And you will have a reward for each listener, conditioning you fruit to continue your career.
->We will have an integration of the eth network and bsc, because we are a multichain, with huge potential, a launchpad that will allow the most promising tokens successful openings, always prioritizing the security of the same, with several tools, Anti-dump, EVM and PoS.... All with a participation of our DAO Governance, which has a totally important role in the decision making... Besides the DeFi concept and our blockchain, we will enter deeply into the new Web3 era, where we will have several activities involving metaverse, AI and NFT's.
-> We will have Podcasts made in the Music AI metaverse, highlighting our singers, and through internal competitions on the platform, we will define the week trends, to be talking to us, and expose their trajectory, of course! All this with our metaverse integrated and live to all MusicAI investors.
-> We will also have a beautiful and exclusive collection of NFT's, where we will have two fronts. In the first act, Music AI's instrumental NFT's will be launched, where they will be auctioned in Opeansea's platform, and the values collected will be destined to the marketing and acceleration of the MusiChain metaverse.
Second-Plan Projections
-> In the second act, the singers registered in our platform will be able to create your NFT's and integrate them in our collection, where they will divulge your work and will have a greater value in the Social Technological aspect. But everything, is only the beginning of our journey... As stated in the introduction, music conditions several factors, adds and cures many human ills, and we want to make music, a medicine, an entertainment, a career and an opportunity to change our lives for good !
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